There is a lot of shame for people who experience trauma. Often it’s part of the traumatising environment or experience. Then it hits again when people discover that they struggle to respond to life in all the healthy ways they would like to – emotions are shut down or out of control, sense of self is damaged and so on.
Much comfort can come from understand how trauma is something that replays through the body and nervous system, not primarily through bad choices or “character”. Understanding how trauma changes the brain and body and also what you can do to start to heal and evolve this, to recalibrate your brain and nervous system, provides the peace of a sensible context and directions for what you can do to help yourself at the source (rather than more trying and failing and judging).
In the Brain Science module we look at:
– the neurobiology of developmental trauma
– where that sense of impending doom
– how your brain grows and dies in a social context
– how brain adaptations to trauma make you less resilient and more vulnerable to future abuse (and what you can do about that)
– how a traumatised brain directs your psychological energy to coping and survival, rather than learning and development
– your vagus nerve and how it shuts things down when necessary and how it knows how to make safe connections