
Living your values – what’s most important to you in life?

Hi … hoping everyone managed some R&R and maybe some time for quiet reflection over the holiday season? The start of a new year is a great time to check in on what’s really important to you in your life, so that you can focus your…
mindfulness and chocolate

Mindfulness and pleasure

“Mindfulness” is a way of being that is mindfully aware, observing, accepting of all of our experiences, our thoughts, emotions and physical sensations. It asks us to view these experiences from the position of observer or “curious scientist”…

Unknowing …

Feeling a warm, compassionate smiling-laugh as I reflect on the human condition and the dedication with which we seek to solve our problems and achieve our aims.  This weekend a bit of a joy-ride and slow opening. Some drama, an apparent…
Beach swim

Time expanding, opening into a new reality

Sunday.  Organised paperwork.  Big yay, well done me.  Wrote angry letter to complaints department of internet provider.  Momentary fantasy of being heard and experiencing some customer service.  Three loads washing on line in hot sunlight,…
women as art in motion

Art in motion

“Women walking are like art in motion,” said my friend Scottie last night and I really got it, as I watched his head turn to follow the trajectory of several women while we were having dinner. I saw him sit in open admiration and make…