Book a personal session
Ph: 0423 167 376
It’s time to get deep and get true.
Through kind acceptance of the whole of you, bring the very essence of you forward into your life, to share with the world.
Reach down past the busy, the crazy, the disillusioned and the stuck … Reach down through your whole mind, your feeling sense, your body, your breath and all your senses into the very essence of you. Discover the truth of what is there, underneath it all.
And then create in your life from this place.
Know how to be there for yourself, to make breathing space for your own needs, wants, feelings, desires and expression.
The world needs the truth and heart of you. Learn how to navigate your life from here. Invest in your personal truth. Hone what you are good at and energised by. Find ways to give that expression and to connect with others from this place. The rest will reveal itself as it needs to.
Grand, visual, beautiful.
Soften through your senses into the place where you and all of life draw the same breath. Experience your essential nature and connection with the world around you.
Invitation into personal reflection on being there for you and your dreams and strengthening the pathways you already have into the essence of you.
Find youself through your senses. Slowly step it down …
Information and self-reflection. Use tested psychological processes to begin to move through the things that muffle your true self. Tap into your creative essence and take your first next step from this place.
I am a Psychologist who is all about helping you connect and create from the essence of you. I bring the safety that comes from the discipline, process and research base of psychology as a profession. I bring a soulful awareness and body-centred wakefulness that comes from my own journey of healing and spiritual experiencing.
I work at Bond University and in private practice, face-to-face and online via Skype and online learning programs. I have coached CEO’s, senior executives and business owners to discover their true strengths and bring it through in their work as leaders and through their organisational vision, brand and culture. I help people feel through the pain and find what’s waiting underneath. I’m all about helping you discover your essential nature and create from that place in your life and work.