Hi … hoping everyone managed some R&R and maybe some time for quiet reflection over the holiday season?
The start of a new year is a great time to check in on what’s really important to you in your life, so that you can focus your time and attention on creating and enjoying more of it. How often does the urgent end up taking priority over the important and days, weeks, months and years can go by this way.
My invitation to you is to take a little time to check in on your most important life values, across key life domains and use this as a guide throughout the year.
Defining values:
So, for each of these life domains, ask yourself “what really matters to me here?” and “what do I really appreciate or value in this life domain”? Write a few words under each heading to capture this.
Remember that certain life domains will be more relevant than others at different times in your life.
– family
– friends and social
– love partner
– work/career
– education and personal development
– recreation and creativity
– spirituality
– community
– physical health and wellbeing
Living values:
Next have a think about how actively you are living these values in your life at the moment.
For example, in the domain of family you might value being there for each other, having each other’s back. Now, if you knew your sister was going through a hard time and you didn’t get around to calling, you might rate that category a 4/10 for living your values at the moment.
Under recreation, if you value time outdoors and have recently joined a 4WD club and gone on some camping trips, you might rate that an 8/10. Where you are actively living your values, notice how that feels. Is it energizing, calming, nourishing, inspiring? Check in on how you are making this work.
In the areas where there is a gap between your true values and how life actually is right now, think about a goal you might like to set yourself. What would it take to shift a “4” to a “6”? Think about what’s needed in the medium term and also something you could start work on straight away.
If you’d like some help clarifying your values or working out a plan so that they are more active in your life, you might like to book in for a life values counseling session.
Image source: graur codrin freegitialphotos.net