Title Image - Foundations for Healing Trauma program

Healing our individual trauma is central to healing the world now. (To state the very obvious!).

So we can see clearly.

So we can access our strengths.

So we can truly connect with each other and multiply the goodness we each bring, the secret recipe we each hold.

The reverse is also true of course, as we heal our collective embedded systemic trauma, our environments can evolve to better suit human health and wellbeing and our personal codes for wellbeing come more easily into alignment.

Where to start?

So many messages out there now about how to heal.

I bring decades of experience in mainstream and holistic healing approaches and offer you this ‘Foundations for Healing Trauma’ 8 week online program as a starting point:

– to understand more about how trauma works – to build your nervous system capacity and bandwidth

– to have a common language to share with family and friends

Link here to get started on this 8 module short course.

-> Get on it and get your trauma healing foundations in place.

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