Healing our individual trauma is central to healing the world now. (To state the very obvious!). So we can see clearly. So we can access our strengths. So we can truly connect with each other and multiply the goodness we each bring, the secret recipe we each hold. The reverse is also true of course, […]
https://i1.wp.com/djpsych.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Screen-Shot-2023-07-25-at-4.52.04-pm.png?fit=1652%2C912&ssl=19121652Deborah Jacksonhttp://djpsych.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/logo-teal-grey-3401-300x61.pngDeborah Jackson2023-07-25 16:48:452023-07-25 16:53:28Australians living with trauma impacts and not aware
A different kind of blog today. Some pictures taken on a roadtrip inland, back from Sydney. I had been visiting my Mum in a nursing home, her Dementia rapidly advancing. Such special and emotional time, in a relationship that had been, well, frankly, fraught. The trip took forever, but the landscape had something for me. […]
https://i2.wp.com/djpsych.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/20150108-DSC_3135-2.jpg?fit=4928%2C3264&ssl=132644928Deborah Jacksonhttp://djpsych.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/logo-teal-grey-3401-300x61.pngDeborah Jackson2015-04-12 11:54:432021-03-04 13:45:40What does nature want for you?
Could your life struggles today be the effects of a neurochemical slinky set in motion long ago? Repeated adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) can change the body, brain and nervous system and ultimately the whole life that follows. Better insight promotes self-acceptance and targeted strategies for healing. For some of you, the absolute struggle of life […]
https://i1.wp.com/djpsych.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/slinky70494a_lg.jpeg?fit=3160%2C2107&ssl=121073160Deborah Jacksonhttp://djpsych.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/logo-teal-grey-3401-300x61.pngDeborah Jackson2015-02-24 13:03:552015-04-11 14:25:17HPA, DNA and the slinky effect
Short course – Foundations for Healing Trauma (8 modules)
UncategorizedHealing our individual trauma is central to healing the world now. (To state the very obvious!). So we can see clearly. So we can access our strengths. So we can truly connect with each other and multiply the goodness we each bring, the secret recipe we each hold. The reverse is also true of course, […]
Australians living with trauma impacts and not aware
Trauma healing1 in 4 Australians are living with Complex Trauma impacts, and many don’t know it.
Embody your soul purpose
Beauty, Soul work, Uncategorized, Yoga MeditationTrauma can blunt the free flow of your authentic self energy. The right environment and connections can free it.
What does nature want for you?
Art, Beauty, Blog, Nature, UncategorizedA different kind of blog today. Some pictures taken on a roadtrip inland, back from Sydney. I had been visiting my Mum in a nursing home, her Dementia rapidly advancing. Such special and emotional time, in a relationship that had been, well, frankly, fraught. The trip took forever, but the landscape had something for me. […]
HPA, DNA and the slinky effect
UncategorizedCould your life struggles today be the effects of a neurochemical slinky set in motion long ago? Repeated adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) can change the body, brain and nervous system and ultimately the whole life that follows. Better insight promotes self-acceptance and targeted strategies for healing. For some of you, the absolute struggle of life […]